Bagi siswa SMP Negeri 1 Bangodua, Angkatan 2019 yang membutuhkan softcopy PAS PHOTO, silahkan klik di link photo cover atau langsung hub. alamat berikut :
Hello students... I'm very happy that I provide this blog to you all in order to learn English. and now.. I introduce new place to submit your assignment digitally. This page is about "I Made it" chapter IX. you can learn through this page, or you can follow this link
Simak video berikut, what things did you do yesterday sebagai referensi untuk mengumpulkan
Apa yang kamu lakukan kemarin?
There was a lot of things may you did yesterday. you woke early in the morning, you had a shower then you waited for "angkot" to school, you came to school on time, you asked question in English. you had breakfast at school canteen, you went home late because you had to joy extracurricular or
may you just stayed at home alone and did nothing, or you just stayed at home but you were very busy?
Take a look on video below, what did the woman do yesterday?
So, what about you? What did you do yesterday?
NOTE : Tugas online ini tidak wajib dikumpulkan, cukup memberikan komentar di postingan paling bawah :
Gunakan dengan account google atau jika ingin tetap anonymous / unknown / tidak dikenal dengan juga tidak mengapa dengan catatan Menuliskan nama dan kelas diakhir komentar.
Contoh Komentar
Yesterday was my busy day. I did a lot of things
at home. In the morning, I woke up early around 5, then I washed clothes before
I prepared and had breakfast with my mom. in the afternoon, I went to my
friend's house. she invited me to do homework together - by. Nisa - class VIIIC
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